Downing Lions 9 - 7 Churchill Beta

Downing Lions 9 - 7 Churchill Beta
Match Reporters' Log, Stardate 26/2/12

In a vital match for DCU, the 1 v 8 match, DCU came out with a pretty hard
fought victory against a Churchill side stronger than their seeding

Churchill came into the contest on the back of a series of wins, including
a walk over of Darkside to get into the top 8. Like DCU, their confidence
was high and a good match ensued.

DCU Lions 13 - 3 ChrEmBroke (19/02/2012)

The day was bright but chilly, and so was our game. The roaring Lions, spurred on by the return of our own Lion-maned Jack Scott, enjoyed a 13-3 victory over a massive ChrEmBroke side. We knew as 16th seeds this game was not going to be high-pressure, however ChrEmBroke brought out at least 14 players and (despite believing we were the Downing Firsts team) brought out a strong front.

DCU Eagles 8 - 6 ARU Darkside (21/01/2012)

Greetings from the lofty heights of 2nd floor Gonville 1,

Once more unto the match report breach I go with highlights of Eagles vs. ARU darkside on Saturday.

Eagles 8 - 6 ARU
(Chris, Nick SD, Fraser, NOwen, Draves (c), Tom, Ares, Will, Jess, Julia, Berit, Nuha)
Spirit Score: 5
MVP: Draves (cheers Eagles!!)

'I never saw/ The heavens so dim by day. A savage clamour!'*

DCU Lions 10 - 4 Homerton (26/11/2011)

So we turned up to Jesus Green on a warm Saturday afternoon to find what
might be euphemistically described as a strong breeze. Hmm, we* said.
This will be interesting. With the pitch set up upwind-downwind, the key
to this match was going to be winning the toss and then not allowing any
upwind breaks.

I promptly lost the toss.

DCU Eagles 11 - 10 Homerton (12/11/2011)

A thankfully dry day on Parker’s Piece hosted what has got to be one of the hardest and most controversial games of Ultimate in my time at DCU. As I turned up to watch Lions vs. Darkside, my first concern was where on earth I could fit an ultimate sized pitch into the worryingly crowded green space around us.


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