Summer Term 2014

Well done DCU - we came 3rd in Div 2 of College League, winning the Spirit Prize.

And, we also came 8th in Cuppers, beating our seed.

I want to say that Cuppers reports are on their way...

Downing 12 - Chrembroke 7 (24th May)

DCU : Chrembroke
12: 7

MVP: Tom Perkins

Really great job today guys, massive turnout of 15 people including 4 women enabling us to have consistent lines, which I felt really helped play. After much hype the 3rd DCU/Chrembroke match of the year fell to us(making 3 for 3)...frisbee was good today.

There was great active cutting and on the ball defense with people keeping running to ensure some solid run-through D's and it was a highly enjoyable game.

Downing 7 - Jesus 5 (3rd May)

MVP: Luke

After our disappointing loss to Corpus we were all very keen to win this one. The odds were in our favour with Will, Camilla, Kenny and Kau returning from nationals, along with some silverware and medals, psyched for for more ultimate. And who better to quench their thirst for ultimate than our good (smack-talking) friends Jesus.

Lent Cuppers 2014 - Eagles Report

irst of all, please could anyone who has pictures/ footage from yesterday please either send them to me or come to my room (H5) in the next few hours with a flash drive so that i can put together the annual video over easter. Thanks


MVP - Saggy

I would also like to say a big thanks and well done to Camilla who played almost every point and must have been exhausted by the end.


Matt R

Group D:

Long Hill
DCU Eagles

Corpus Christi 7 - Downing 6 (1st Feb)



MVP: WIll Benfold

Having played them in week 8 last term, navigation to their hidden pitches was solid. On the way it became more and more apparent that the wind was going to be a serious problem. When we arrived, James Marlow decided to throw a couple forehands, in what i can only assume was an attempt to intimidate the corpus player(s) present with his confidence in windy conditions. The first hit a window. The second a roof. Kudos.


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