Downing 7 - Jesus 5 (3rd May)

MVP: Luke

After our disappointing loss to Corpus we were all very keen to win this one. The odds were in our favour with Will, Camilla, Kenny and Kau returning from nationals, along with some silverware and medals, psyched for for more ultimate. And who better to quench their thirst for ultimate than our good (smack-talking) friends Jesus.

Upon arrangement of the match, the rivalry and mildly provocative exchanges at lectures etc came into full flow, with a heated discussion regarding taste the difference cookies and fresh pizza in sainsbury's with Danny almost swaying me to call the match off. On that night it also became known that beast alumnus DJ was coming down for Camilla's birthday (Happy Birthday!) - we couldn't have been in a better position... Had it not been the theme announcement party at ultihouse the night before the match.

Those who attended (sorry I kind of forgot until it was too late and then couldn't be bothered) fought through their hangovers valiantly. Although we got off to a slow start, we quickly picked up speed and got into a good rhythm.

Jesus were going for a make-danny-run-himself-to-death strategy in the first few points but found that it was unsustainable. The solution? Getting that lanky mug to throw ridiculous and unnecessary scoobers that got them nowhere*. We went for more classic play with virt stack, man-defence and Mark's line also tried some ho stack. Our L stack setup was also particularly effective with essentially all line cuts completing.

The final score was 7-[5] and for me it was definitely the most enjoyable match this academic year, with alumni, great attendance and great spirit from both teams - I couldn't have asked for more.

Frove and thanks Jesus (since you're going to read this email anyway)!


*any insults are in jest and are intended for the mailing list infiltrators