Downing 13 - Frisee Rascals 12 (17th May)

DCU 13 - 12 Frisee Rascals
MVP: Kenny

A very close match for DCU. We started off in control but Frisee started spotting our tricks and shutting them down. Whenever a deep opportunity arose they’d take it, and 9 times out of 10 they’d get it. They were all very fit. And tall. I only realised after the match that they held the same line for the entire game, which i think was extremely impressive considering the heat. They poached heavily - something we need to get better at dealing with - and they often intercepted discs. As Gonzo pointed out we need to attack the disc. Nonetheless, we won and rightly so with great play from all.

Old boyes was a success with Hayes (Congratulations) drinking several hellish concoctions from the cup, some of which contained different phases of matter. Next week is our final match before exams and we are playing Chrembroke. We can’t stress enough how important this match is. You may have seen Sam Mouat’s fb post, in which case you already know it’s serious. I can’t disclose tactics as this mailing list is corrupt but make sure you come to practice TOMORROW 2PM on the PADDOCK. Also, throw whenever you can this week and maybe even do a few minor drills or mark each other etc. Sign up sheet to follow.

J-Rizzle and M-Sizzle