DCU Eagles 13 - 0 St. John's Talons


Hey there DCU,

Team: Nick Nick Barnsey Nuha, Claxton Berit and JRob. Also Camilla, Fraser and Ares.
Score: (13 - 0)
MVP: Clackers

Today the Eagles descended on the foreign territory that is John's pitches. Some of us banded as a fellowship to simply walk our way there. The unencumbered of us flew, like fools, on our cycles. One of us got a taxi. It was whilst "cycling" (attempting to not go backwards) to John's pitches that I thought if the wind kept up we'd be in a bit of trouble - we know about the John's zone and wind could only help their defence. Arriving at the pitches was a bit of a shock, as with 5 minutes until disc up not a John's player was in sight.

Thankfully our opponents arrived, and the wind died down somewhat and really meant our long game was something to be scared of.

A blow by blow of the game isn't that necessary - we scored a lot.

I decided that we should come out of the blocks and hit the ground running (not to mix any metaphors) and we came straight out with our 3 - 4 ho' stack, which remained faithful to us for the rest of the day. I think we showed great versatility as a team: we used the break side, homeboy'd it, crashed many and cup and threw many a deep shot (it really is a low percentage throw though, isn't it!).

We had a lot of momentum and called for a time out at 6-0 up to recover a bit. In hindsight it seems John's used that T.O. much better than we did, for the next point lasted a loong time. I think we lost our cool a bit, and were too eager to get to half that we decided to keep trying to jam the disc up the line and into the endzone. Whilst we eventually scored the point, we should remember that better teams would punish that lull in intensity from us, and would definitely score on us there.

Overall the game was a good stepping stone for our last match in college league this term to attempt to come 9th. We practised a lot of ho' stack, and were much more aware with our turnovers. I don't remember us having /too/ much trouble transitioning from O to man D. Something that was very effective, if you didn't notice, was CBarnes acting as a sort of deep poach, and a couple of people around him effectively calling switches as John's cut deep and under.

All in all it was an encouraging game!

See you on PP this week.

Nick O